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Business Without Borders ®

AES Service to Import Your Vehicle from US To Canada

AES Is a Mandatory Requirement per US Customs Border Protection for all used self propelled vehicles/equipment regardless of the value or destination.

Is received once your electronic filing of AES has been completed and accepted by US Census.
Your ITN# needs to be added to your 72 hour vehicle/equipment Export worksheet.
You can not file the 72 hour notice without your ITN#.

Documents Required:

1. For Casual Importers who purchased a vehicle from an individual:
Bill of Sale
title front/ back page
passport (person driving the vehicle)
driver’s license (person driving the vehicle)
Seller’s address and contact no/ date of birth, must be provided

2. For Casual Importers who purchased a vehicle from a dealer:
Bill of Sale
title font + back
passport (person driving the vehicle)
Dealer’s EIN or US tax ID#, contact person with phone number

3. For Commercial Importers who purchased a vehicle from a dealer:
Bill of Sale
title front/back page
Importer’s GST# address and phone number
Dealer’s EIN or US tax ID#, contact person and phone number

4. For Commercial Importers who purchased a vehicle from an individual:
Bill of Sale
title front + back
Importer’s GST# address and phone number
passport of the person driving the vehicle
Seller’s address, contact no. and date of birth
Dealer’s EIN or US tax ID#, contact person and phone number

Additional Information Required:
Port of crossing
Exact date of crossing
If using a transport company, please provide us with the carrier’s company name and their
SCAC code
If any of the above changes, AES must be updated to reflect changes.
**If there are ny changes to Port or VIN in AES, then US Customs will require the 72
hours Notice to be restarted**

A&A AES Filing Fee:
If more than 1 Vehicle on shipment first vehicle $125.00 and each additional vehicle is $75.00
Please note our fees must be paid in advance of our filing AES on your behalf

NOTE: All details pertaining to CARM R2 processes are based on the current information available at the time of writing. As this is subject to change, it’s recommended you periodically check in with the CBSA or your customs broker.